1. To observe this Code of Practice and to comply with the terms of all CHSA Accreditation Schemes as applicable and to comply with any changes to this Code of Practice as notified to them from time to time.
2. To conduct business dealings in an open, honest, fair and proper manner and in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of the UK and EU.
3. Not knowingly, recklessly or negligently to be party to any improper business practices of any customer or supplier.
4. To ensure all public statements made by and on behalf of the Member are decent, honest and truthful and in the spirit of the Association.
5. To ensure no false or exaggerated claims are made verbally, in literature, electronically or in any other way
6. To apply the highest ethical standards and never knowingly operate business or communicate in such a way as to bring the Cleaning and Hygiene Industry or the CHSA into disrepute
7. To hold and provide evidence on request for product and service claims, particularly with reference to legislation, certifications and accreditations.
8. To ensure that customers are kept advised of the effect of changes in legislation and product specifications likely to lead to different in-use handling or Health and Safety implications.
9. To offer for sale sound quality cleaning materials, chemicals, specialist machinery equipment to enable customers to achieve their required levels of hygiene and cleanliness and to take all reasonable care to ensure that the packaging of products supplied by the member (whether as a manufacturer or a distributor) contains accurate and permanent labelling of the contents, as to the quantity, dimensions and other information required by the relevant CHSA Accreditation Scheme Standards.