Talented young Adam Jackson, the son of Helen Jackson who works for Deb Ltd has been awarded the Cleaning & Hygiene Suppliers Association’s (CHSA) Undergraduate Scholarship Scheme bursary for 2016!
Applicants were assessed according to need, worthiness, endeavor, and overall performance.
“Adam scored highly in each category,” explained David Garcia, Treasurer of the CHSA and Chair of the judging panel. “Adam clearly has a passion for his subject – Chemical Engineering – and with an intent to study languages at university as well, is putting in place the building blocks for developing the international career he wants.”
Adam will now head off to university with a little extra support from the CHSA. He will receive a total of £4,500, receiving £1,500 at the start of each year of his three-year degree.
Adam was selected from a strong field of applicants. David Garcia continued: “Each of the applicants brought something unique, which made selecting the final winner very difficult indeed.
“We will stay in touch with Adam throughout his studies, hearing about his progress and providing support where we can. We also wish the other applicants every success in achieving their ambitions.”
The Scholarship was open to the sons and daughters of staff of CHSA member companies who on 1 September 2016 are 18 years or over and commencing their higher education studies this year.
David Garcia, Treasurer of the CHSA and Chairman of Polaris Plastics explained: “The employees of CHSA members work hard and this Scheme provides us with an opportunity to say thank you.
“The Undergraduate Scholarship Scheme also gives us a way to introduce the next generation of talent to our industry, should they so choose. Adam currently has plans to go into the oil industry but he now knows more about our sector and our hope is that he can help to spread the word amongst his peers about the career potential in the cleaning and hygiene sector.”