Priorities for 2023
Our Standards, Your Guarantee: Our Accreditation Schemes are our top priority. We will continue to evolve the Schemes and protect their integrity.
Responsible leader of the cleaning & hygiene industry: Our Roadmap to Sustainability has been designed to help members adopt ethically and environmentally sustainable business practices, policies and procedures. We will continue to be an active member of the BCC, in particular supporting the All Party Parliamentary Group for the cleaning & hygiene sector. Committed to giving something back, our Bursary is bigger than ever in 2023 (more details will be announced in the coming weeks) and we will continue to fund raise for Grief Encounter, which supports bereaved children and young people.
Active, connected, supported members: Our Gala Ball is set for Friday 19 May and the venue confirmed. We will support our members at the Cleaning Show, promoting the value of our Accreditation Schemes. As sponsor of the CSSA Innovation Showcase, we are shining a light on members’ innovative products and services.
Inform and educate: Our newsletter will continue to inform members about industry initiatives and developments within our membership.
Click here to read the full January newsletter.